Monday, July 5, 2010

Natural Treatment Crohn's: Learn the Truth About the Benefits of Natural Treatments

As some of you may be aware I have spent many years on western medicine drugs in the past, the only thing that made a difference for me was high dose steroids.

I used to have a very skeptical view of natural treatment Crohn's Disease, considering them worthless and silly, that is, until I found out that I could use natural treatment Crohn's to manage my disease.

My physician had given me every powerful drug that he could think of, but none of them (only Prednisone), gave me an adequate amount of relief from my Crohn's, so I doubted that a few supplements, herbs, diet modifications, and alleviation of stress would make much of a difference.

I really had no expectations that natural treatment Crohn's would help my situation at all.

Looking back on it, the drugs I was taking would have left me with worse side effects than anything I experienced with the Crohn's, so that was a bad decision.

As a result, I did start looking for natural methods in order to give myself the help I needed, due to the fact that Western medicine was starting to yield smaller and smaller dividends for me, and I wanted something that would not leave those side effects.

I spent many years trying natural treatments and I really didn’t get that far, now that isn’t because the therapies I was using don’t work or are no good, I just didn’t have all the pieces to the puzzle I needed to make it work.

In order to figure out the correct combination, of all the right pieces for making positive health changes, I had to invest quite a bit of time.

Since my doctor could do little to provide me assistance besides give me drugs that would put me at higher risk for osteoporosis, mess up my blood sugar, and thin my bones, I decided to seek other, more natural and effective answers for natural treatment Crohn's, just to see if that would help me more.

As I continued my quest to find the natural answer, I would get disheartened when I thought I had all the pieces put together only to find myself wrong. This happened to me many times, through sheer persistence and knowing that there had to be a way to help myself get better other than using drugs, as they would eventually become quite an issue for me.

Eventually, I started going for a natural diet of uncooked, unprocessed foods, and that seemed to start helping me immensely, giving me the results I was looking for.

As I kept on this regimen, I could remain in remission without having to stay on the meds. I found that I felt healthier than I EVER had previously, even before Crohn's Disease took control of my life, thanks to this new eating strategy.

Despite my successes with this diet, I wanted to find more ways to help Crohn's naturally, perhaps out of obsession or a further need to feel better; either way, I found out a lot more about how to treat this disease naturally, and I learned a lot.

That initial success for my Crohn’s Disease lead me to other successes finding out more about what can work best for people that have Crohn’s and want to use natural therapies.

What's more, I was able to gain a bit of information on the reasons why the therapies I was trying before did not work, allowing me to tell people what to avoid.

Maybe you are like me and had tried many different things that are natural and had no success; well I can help you to avoid the same mistakes that I made. If you have just begun to delve into the natural treatments Crohn's, I may be able to help you save thousands of dollars on trial and error.

If you have bad Crohn’s Disease then you need to know the right tools to use so you can get in to remission and not end up wasting a lot of your time still feeling sick. Trust me I have done that and it is not fun!

Using natural methods for your Crohn’s doesn’t need to be that hard when you know what to do or what to look for, but trying to figure it out for yourself like I did is definitely the hard way.